Looking For Clothes For Your Shih Poo Puppies For Sale Houston? Learn How To Measure Your Dog For Clothes

Pet parents love their dogs and are ready to go to any extent to keep them comfortable and shower all their love. This is why, people today are also buying various kinds of things for their pooch, right from the harness to clothes. However, just like human beings, it is imperative to properly measure your dog to get the right size so that the item that you are buying is right, comfortable as well as stylish. Local Shihpoo breeders in Dallas says that all you will need for this work is a measuring tape and your dog.

How to Get Your Dog's Measurements

With measuring tape in your hand, there are three major areas that you have to measure your dog and that are neck girth, chest girth, and top-line back.

For accurate top line back measurement of your dog, start from where your dog's neck meets his shoulders to the base of the tail. The coat and sweater should have a cut out in the area covering their belly. If there isn’t, Local shihpoo puppy breeders Houston suggests to you may need to size down to avoid your beloved pooch from urinating on its new clothes. If the dog is between sizes, then go for large size clothes.

Neck and chest girth are exactly what they sound like, it is the measurement of their neck and chest. Neck girth should be measured from the area where you tie the dog’s collar. The collar itself shouldn’t be too tight and to ensure that follow the two-finger rule, meaning that you should be able to easily put two fingers easily under the collar. Chest girth, on the other hand, must be measure from the largest part of your dog’s chest, which Local shihpoo puppy breeders Houston says are usually located just behind the front legs.

So, whether you are measuring your shih poo puppies for sale Houston for harness, collar or any other clothing item, it is vital that you must follow the above-mentioned measuring tips so that there is no mistake and also you don’t end up with a product that isn’t comfortable or right for your beloved pooch. No matter how simple buying things for your dog look like, but it is imperative that whatever you are choosing is apt for the dog because it won’t be able to express its discomfort clearly. 

The Soda Pop